Wordpress Integrated Search for Magento 2

Wordpress Integrated Search for Magento 2

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Integrate Wordpress Post in to Magento Search auto complete and search results page.

Compatible With: CE 2.0.x - 2.4.x; EE 2.0.x - 2.4.x

Compatible With:

CE 2.0.x - 2.4.x; EE 2.0.x - 2.4.x

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Magento Standard Compliant Magento Standard Compliant

A recent study from MineStudy.com found out that 81% of online consumers research about products before making a purchase. Online retailers have realized that blogs are a great way to inform and educate customers about products. But what if your customers had stumbled upon your site? Would it be great if there was a blog or an informative piece about the product that your customer was searching for? 

To solve this problem and to get maximum out of blogging we have integrated product search result and related blog result into auto search result. So whenever your client search for a product in your online store along with regular products, blogs related to their search keyword will also be displayed in auto suggestion. By this way you can educate your clients and make them purchase your products with lot more conviction.



  • Integrates wordpress search results with Magento product results.
  • Wordpress can be a separate folder or within Magento subfolder.
  • Both Magento and Wordpress can share a same database or separate.
  • Search autosuggestion will have both Magento Products and Wordpress Page/Posts.
  • Search results show both Magento Products and Wordpress Page/Posts.
  • We can disable Wordpress results from Search and display only Magento product suggestions and results.
  • Images and Descriptions/Content of Product/Posts can also be displayed in autosuggestion.
  • We can disable auto suggestion.